How many hoses my Shisha should have?
Choosing the number of hoses in a shisha pipe is an important decision, especially for the first time shisha pipe buyers. Consider following factors while purchasing a shisha pipe, If you spend or anticipate smoking a shisha by yourself, then a one HOSE shisha is a perfect solution for you. If you love to hang out with your friends and smoke shisha for the entire night then it is a tricky decision for you. You would need to consider several pros and cons of a multi-hose shisha before driving any conclusion about a two or more hose shisha pipe.
What is an autoseal?
New models of shisha pipes have autoseal embedded in their hoses. This helps smokers to drag a powerful hit to get thick smoke clouds. An autoseal is a hose connector with a small metal ball bearing. When you inhale air from the shisha hose this metal ball bearing elevates itself and goes out of the airway. It falls back to its original position once the air is passed through it. This autoseal allows the entire packet of inhaled air to pass through the shisha bowl and gives a tasteful smoke hit to the smoker.
In the old shisha hoses, this autoseal or plugging mechanism wasn’t present. Smokers were supposed to put their fingers on the hose tip to obstruct the air lose after inhaling smoke. Fail to do so used to affect the amount of smoke other smokers would inhale. This would ultimately result in some weak smoke clouds and poor smoking experience.
Having new shisha smokers in your friends’ circle means autoseal is a must option for you. New shisha smokers usually forget to place a finger on a tip to prevent air’s backflush. Having an autoseal adapter in place will make your shisha session hassle-free. Moreover, you can equally enjoy smoking with beginners as you do with your expert buddies.
Shisha and latest smoking trends
Did you know: Millennial shisha smokers are entirely different from the baby boomer? The former prefers quick and instant leisure gain when it comes to shisha smoking. In old days, one hose shisha was sufficient for the group of four to five people as they used to chit chat for a longer period of time, without peeking into their smartphones’ screens. In today’s technological era, people prefer separate hoses to perform shisha smoke tricks and upload their videos on Instagram/Snapchat or Facebook profiles. Millennials can’t bear to see their friends sharing exciting stuff online before them. So if you and your friends are Millennials then a multi-hosed (two to six) shisha pipe is the BEST option for you.

Constraints of Multi-hose Shisha Pipe
Are you looking for a better smoking experience? One hose shisha pipe would be a better option as having a multi-hose shisha doesn’t allow you to smoke simultaneously. For example, when three people try to drag shisha at the same time, there will be a competitive environment inside the shisha pipe. The air pressure will be distributed in the shisha and less smoke will be produced. This will adversely affect the quality of shisha smoking experience.
Secondly, more the number of people smoking from the same shisha pipe, the shorter the duration of hookah session. In multi-hose shisha, the shisha bowl and charcoals will vanish quickly. This means that you will need to setup a new shisha after every 45-50 minutes.
The key takeaway from this article is that there is no definitive rule, for most people, a one hose shisha pipe would be a perfect option. Select a shisha pipe that can be upgraded to the two-hose shisha in the future. If you’re a party animal, then a two, three, four or even six hose shisha pipe will be perfect for you. By the way, don’t forget, you will still be able to smoke just by yourself with one of these as well.
The Shisha Shop, 11-13 Fairways Business Park, Lammas Road, E10 7QB London, United Kingdom
TEL: +44 20 8133 3263
How many Hoses does my Shisha Pipe REALLY Need?